
Ceramic process technology,
improve production process

more about our expertise


RvA ISO/IEC 17025 accredited transactions.

We will be happy to help you.

ing. Ineke Geist

Head of Laboratory

advice group

Independent analysis and advice.

We will be happy to help you.

dr. ir. Ronny Lugtenberg


measuring group

RvA ISO EN-17025 accredited measurement.

We will be happy to help you.

ing. Rob Mentink

Head of Technical Department

The independent expert in ceramics, raw materials, energy, environment and health and safety.


We analyse raw materials, materials, processes and production techniques and give reliable advice. We help producers by answering questions on safety, sustainability and the environment. We also offer advice in the fields of energy and labour conditions. For example, clients from the (building) industry can use our findings to check and adjust their emissions, improve production processes and test innovations.

  • TCKI is an independent knowledge and support centre for more than 60 years for mineral raw materials and building materials production.


The TCKI specialists provide
for independent, objective
research and advice.